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I grew up eating fresh blackberry pie...


...every summer in the mountains of Northern California.  We picked the berries and my mom baked.  It wasn't something I was necessarily interested in but that passion has evolved over my adult life.  In 2009 I entered a local pie baking contest and won 1st place with my Blue Ribbon Blackberry Pie (you can order it for $20).


Since then, I have slowly begun to master my confectionary skills with a long list of pie contest ribbons to prove it.  It is just a hobby business out of my own kitchen right now since I still have my 5 kids at my heels but I like to treat friends and neighbors to the creations of my kitchen.  


My specialty is pie but I've got a knack for anything. Using the best ingredients and starting from scratch, I believe the name of my business pretty much encapselates the way I feel about my confections!!  


I think even Groundhog's Day could use a little celebrating!!  Just sayin'! 





Fast Forward 6 years...2015


Now in 2016, I have have a state award under my belt as I won the 2015 Washington State Fair Gold Medal Flour Cookie Contest.  My Brown Butter Coconut Chewies (shown in the cookies tab) won me first place!! 


As I make a variety of confections for my family, friends and perfect strangers, I get better and better at providing the most delicious and magical confections you've ever tasted.  I try dessert wherever I go and I aim to create new and exciting recipes that you've never tried before.  


I can't wait to see what 7 years from now looks like!!  



Fair Ribbons.jpg
Add another 3 years...2018

Another 3 ribbons at the state fair this year with a fudge recipe I was disappointed in but one 2nd place with, a fluke scone entry that got me free admission, another 2nd place ribbon and also the prize basket and then my favorite win of all, a 1st place ribbon for my new concoction, Balsamic Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.  Patterned after a summer ice cream flavor I tried in Portland, I paired the balsamic and strawberry flavors in a pie and the judges approved.  I use only the highest quality, 18-year barrel-aged vinegar and the pie is all the better for it.


Then 4 years later/post pandemic...

Trying new pies in multiple contests, I began to see a pattern emerge...the classic berry pie takes the cake 9 times out of 10.  So, to elevate it just a little bit, I added lemon zest and fresh squeezed juice to my blue-ribbon blackberry pie and low and behold, I won!  

A bronze ribbon this time...3rd place with my Lemon Blackberry Pie made from hand-picked PNW wild blackberries.  One judge gave me a near perfect score.

Until next year...barring any pandemics ; )


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